AY 2016-2017 Members: Michael Bailey, Can Bayram, Mohamed Ali Belabbas, Subhonmesh Bose, Weng Chew, John Dallesasse, Peter Dragic, James Eden, Liang Gao, Bruce Hajek, Pavan Kumar Hanumolu, Kiruba Haran, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Yih-Chun Hu, Seth Hutchinson, Raluca Ilie, Ravishankar Iyer, Erhan Kudeki Kudeki (Ex-Officio), Minjoo Lee, Stephen Levinson, Steven Lumetta, Jonathan Makela (Chair), Sanjay Patel, Maxim Raginsky, William Sanders (Ex-Officio), Christopher Schmitz, Jose Schutt-Aine, David Varodayan, Lara Waldrop, Jin Zhao, Zhizhen Zhao, Hao Zhu, Wenjuan Zhu
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who |
5min | Approve |
minutes |
from March 6, 2016 | Makela | |
10min | Discuss/vote on:
| All |
15min | ABET | All |
15min | Subdisciplines | All |
- The meeting was called to order at 3:05pm.
- The committee discussed revisions to the proposed ECE 498: Applied Cryptography course.
- The requested changes had been made to the proposal.
- It was pointed out that the requested time slot (MW @ 1.5 hours) is not a standard request. This needs to be changed to either a MWF @ 1 hour course, or a TR @ 1.5 hour course.
- The committee approved the proposed course, with the understanding that the time change would be made.
- The committee discussed revisions to the proposed ECE 298JA: Concepts in Engineering Math course.
- The committee discussed the course only as a ECE 298 course, not as a permanent offering. Kudeki pointed out that the course was primarily useful to transfer students looking for a technical course while coming up to speed in the ECE core.
- For further consideration as a permanent course, the committee would like more information about this conversation, or to have a representative from MATH join the committee for the discussion. Makela pointed out that Allen was in conversation with MATH faculty to discuss the course and how it fits/complements/overlaps with existing courses.
- Again, for future consideration as a permanent course, the committee would like to see examples of exams and homeworks to better evaluate the technical nature of the course.
- Finally, for future consideration as a permanent course, the committee thinks that a condition should be made on whether this course counts as technical electives. Something like it counting for students with sophomore or below standing. There was strong feeling that a senior should not be able to take this and still receive ECE technical elective credit.
- The committee approved the proposed course. The committee approved the course as a technical elective. The course will not consider the course as a 298 course again, unless a permanent course request is pending.
- Makela updated the committee on the progress of collecting mid-cycle ABET course self evaluations. A new batch of self evaluations has come in, totaling 38. Kudeki will send out a new request to get a higher response rate.
- The committee broadly discussed the ongoing effort to update the sub-disciplines on the ECE curriculum website.
- The meeting was adjourned at 3:54pm.