Arijit Banerjee, Ujjal Bhowmik, Simeon Bogdanov, Jared Bronski, Zuofu Cheng, Peter Dragic, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Ravi Iyer, Erhan Kudeki, Kirill Levchenko, Steve Lumetta, Andrew Miller, Shaloo Rakheja, Umberto Ravaioli, Christopher Schmitz, Jonathan Schuh, Ilan Shomorony, Lara Waldrop
Time and Place
Monday, September 14, 2:00pm,
Old Business
Prof. Jared Bronski from the
Department of Mathematics visited the committee meeting to discuss the relationship between Math 285 and Math 286.
The motion on the table has evolved to look something like this:
He noted that Math 286 introduces such linear algebra as is necessary to understand systems of differential equations, e.g., determinant, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, exponential of a matrix. Both courses are required, by IAI, to cover system solutions, and partial differential equations: coverage of PDEs is usually limited to separation of variables and series solution, though it might be extended to cover joint solution if Math 257 becomes a pre-requisite. Complex numbers are usually covered as solutions to differential equations: students learn that complex eigenvalues lead to damped-sinusoidal solutions.
Prof. Bogdanov reported that the proposed motion (removal of Chem 102 from the Computer Engineering but not Electrical Engineering requirements) is acceptable. They are concerned that this change might result in students pushing ECE 340 even later in their curriculum than it is now. Pursuant committee discussion suggested a solution that might involve a full-semester version of Physics 214, as a requirement for ECE students; future committee meetings will discuss this idea further.
Moved that: MATH 257 and MATH 285 become required courses for both EEs Electrical Engineers and CEsComputer Engineers, replacing MATH 286. CE Computer Engineering will no longer require CHEM 102. Any credit hours freed by this swap will be added to the Technical Elective requirement. Courses added to the list of Technical Electives will include CHEM 102 (for CEsComputer Engineers; it is required for EEsElectrical Engineers), IBE 150, CPSC 265, ATMS 201, and PSYC 204.
Status: Approved by a written ballot, 16 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining.