Anu Aggarwal, Jont Allen, Arijit Banerjee, Yuliy Baryshnikov, Ujjal Bhowmik, Simeon Bogdanov, Pete Dragic, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Ravi Iyer, Volodymyr Kindratenko, Erhan Kudeki, Steve Lumetta, Sayan Mitra, Shaloo Rakheja, Chris Schmitz, Jonathan Schuh, Yang Shao, Yurii Vlasov
Time and Place
Monday, January 25, 4:00pm,
New Business
- Proposal for a permanent course ECE/NE 410, "Neural Circuits and System." 498NS-Permanent-CourseOutline8CourseOutline-12Jan25.21.pdf, 498NS-Syllabus-Jan19Jan23.21.pdf. Currently (spring 2021) being taught as ECE 498NS. - STATUS: Approved 16-0, pending minor mandatory revisions to the proposal document
- Proposal for a temporary course in fall 2021 ECE 498YV "Neural Interface Engineering" ECE498YV_form_Fall2021.docx, and - STATUS: Approved 16-0
- Proposal for a permanent course number ECE/NE 412 ECE498YV_Banner New Course Outline 8-12_Fall2021.docx, ECE498YV_syllabus_Fall2021_v2.docx - STATUS: Tabled. Committee members are generally either hesitant or opposed to the idea of approving a permanent course number for a course that has not yet been taught. Decision tabled pending further input from BioEngineering about the necessity of this step, and about whether it needs a permanent ECE number, or only a permanent NE number.