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Jont Allen, Arijit Banerjee, Can Bayram, Eric Chitambar, John Dallesasse, Kejie Fan, Kiruba Haran, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Raluca Ilie, Erhan Kudeki, Sanjay Patel, Umberto Ravaioli, Chris Schmitz

Date, Time, and Location

Tuesday, February 18, 2018, 15:00-16:00, ECEB 5070

New Business

  1. FALL 2019: ECE 498 EC, Quantum Information Processing Theory: 498EC_course_request_form.  Status: approved.

Open Discussion

  1. There should be a longer-term discussion among EMORS and devices faculty, to determine what content ECE 487 should have, so that a larger number of higher-level courses can count on it as a pre-req.  In that case it will have a larger enrollment, once per year.

2. Proposed topic for discussion: Chemistry requirement.
Discussion prior to the meeting:
What would be wrong with an ece course something like "Materials and Chemistry for ECE" as an alternative to Chem 102?  I think that could be great prep for 329, 340, lasers, etc.  There has to be some chem in it, with the first half of the course largely similar to Chem 102.   The second half of the course could instead focus on more practical things like insulators, conductors, semicond. (organic and inorganic) without talking about devices, per se, but built up from the chemistry principles. 


These would help set up the discussions that take place in classes like 444.

Discussion at the meeting:

  1. ABET requires us to have a natural sciences course.