Jont Allen, Yuliy Baryshnikov, Can Bayram, Ujjal Bhowmik, Subhonmesh Bose, Zuofu Cheng, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Steve Lumetta, Umberto Ravaioli, Chris Schmitz, Yang Zhao
Old Business
ABE 424: Principals of Mobile Robotics SYLLABUS_ABE424.pdf
- Proposed: that ABE 424 be cross-listed as an ECE course, beginning spring 2020.
Amendment proposed last meeting: that we consider ABE 424 to satisfy the requirements for an ECE undergraduate lab course . More information from the course director:
(but not a hardware lab), if and only if the course content (and description) is amended to give at least 3 hours/week in laboratory, not just 2 hours/week. Please note that lab credit is not required for cross-listing, but is intended as an option for the course director. Amendment accepted.
Friendly amendment: pre-reqs are "MATH 225 and MATH 285, or MATH 286". Accepted by the course director.
With these two amendments, the motion is moved and seconded and approved."The labs are designed to be substantial for this to count as lab credit. There is planned on average 2 hours of lab every week. Currently the course structure is lectures on Tuesday-Thursday and 2 hours of lab on Wednesday. Following is the general sequence of the labs. The labs are split into three main deliverables: 1. Introduction to mobile robotics systems, which is marked by L1. 2. Sensors and data, which is L2, and 3. Kalman filter and SLAM, which is L3. Each lab report is graded and returned for review.
L1 and L2 are both in physical environment, this actually involves students to step out of the building and do some experiments with mobile robots, which they really appreciate and gives them a good feeling for challenges in mobile robotics. L3 is mostly based on datasets that have been collected a-priori, so it could be classified as simulation. The focus in L3 is writing good software and demonstrating a good grasp on the filtering and SLAM algorithms.
I seems to me that the lab component is sufficient to consider this as a lab course. I am of course open to modifying or adding things based on your comments. Please let me know what you think.
8/28/19 No lab 9/4/19 L1 Field robots: Introduction and purpose 9/11/19 Understanding Drones and ground robot systems 9/18/19 Data collection using GPS autonomy in outdoor environments 9/25/19 Processing of data from the drone flights 10/2/19 No lab 10/9/19 L2 RTK GPS data collection and analysis 10/16/19 LIDAR data collection and analysis 10/23/19 Predicting motion of robots with encoders and IMUs 10/30/19 GPS-INS fusion introduction 11/6/19 L3 Coding workshop 11/13/19 Coding workshop 11/20/19 LIDAR SLAM 11/27/19 Fall break 12/4/19 Coding workshop 12/11/19 No lab New Business
CS 498IOT Internet of Things: Proposal that it be accepted as an Advanced Computing Elective. CS 498 IoT FA19_ Schedule.xlsx