Ujjal Bhowmik, Zuofu Cheng, Katie Driggs-Campbell, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Raluca Ilie, Erhan Kudeki, Steve Lumetta, Umberto Ravaioli
Time and Place
Monday, April 27, 2020, 3:30-4:00pm,
New Business
Temporary course proposal: ECE 398RI, intended to eventually be offered as ECE 328 "Fields and Waves Virtual Reality Laboratory." ECE398-RIlie.doc, ECE398_Syllabus_Ilie.pdf
Questions from committee members who can't attend:
Would this count as one of the lab requirements? A: not for now.
Are the mini exams the only deliverable? (no lab report, etc.) A: no, 50% mini exams, 50% Mathematica homework.
- Does this lab not only reinforce concepts, but also contribute somehow to the students' ability to 'do' something? I think this is an ABET category...being able to independently build, design, create, measure etc. something based on concepts learned. A: the lab is very much focused on the solution of PDEs using Mathematica.
Status: approved for fall semester 2020.