Date, Time, and Location
March 30, 2018, 12:00-13:00 CST, ECEB 5070
Can Bayram, Mohamed Belabbas, Nikita BorisovSubhonmesh Bose, Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia, Viktor Gruev, Kiruba HaranPeter Dragic, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Steven Lumetta, Stephen Levinson, Jose Schutt-Aine, David Varodayan, Lav Varshney, Lara Waldrop, Jin Zhou
Old Business
- ABET Course Descriptions. Many are not done.
- Action item for chair: figure out what should be status of cross-listed courses with course director from another department; should the database have an ECE-local course director to update course goals.
- Action items for the committee: make sure people in your area finish their course goals & instructional objectives.
- Question what is the urgency of this task? Answer: less, now, because we have pushed the ABET review from 2019 to 2020.
New Business
- ECE 398BD proposal. ECE398BD_Fall_18.docx, Syllabus_ECE398.docx ; voted to approve.
- Other issues for ABET.
- Do instructors need to collect "best, modal, and worst" sample homework and exams? Does that need to happen this semester? Should names be redacted? Action Item for chair: find out whether these things are necessary this semester.
- Other parts of the report: seems to be mostly statistics collected by the department.