a. [Design experience for undergraduates] As the new Computer Engineering curriculum is phased in, watch the curriculum committee should help ensure that an appropriate capstone design experience is provided for all students. This entails in part an adjustment of ECE 445 to accommodate an expected increase in enrollment by Computer Engineers . Another (Rakesh Kumar, in cooperation with existing instructors, is taking the lead in this direction.) Another aspect is to examine the experience students receive in the other ways they can satisfy their the design elective: currently ECE 411 OR ECE 496+499.
e. [Unofficial focus areas] The ECE advising website includes pages for unofficial focus areas. The links are the orange boxes to the right of the x of y portion of the curriculum diagram. These pages include suggested choices of x of y courses and technical electives for students with different focuses. These links are due for examination and update, including possible changes in the titles.
f. [Scientific computing basics] Adequacy/appropriateness/specifics of the requirement for scientific computing basics, represented by a freestanding box in the curriculum diagram, should be evaluated.
4. The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.