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Sep 19, 2022


The following courses were discussed

- AE 483 "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Navigation and Control"
This course was considered for possible inclusion in the ECE list of non-ECE technical electives.  This was requested by Meredith Blunthal, director of International Programs in Engineering, in relation to a course taught in English at ENSEA ( Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l'électronique et de ses Applications) which has been articulated to our AE 483.  IPENG is seeking to make this course appealing to ECE students if they participate in study abroad at ENSEA.  It was noted that the course at ENSEA targets juniors students and some scepticism that the course that the course in France is actually comparable to ours.  M. Belabbas commented that the ENSEA is in general not particularly good and the general impression of the committee was that we should get more information from the Aerospace Departement about the existing articulation and whether the ECE students could actually take the class as given at Illinois, given the long list of prerequisites and the strong demand by AE students.  The chair will contact the Aerospace Departement and report to the committee later.

UPDATE - After consulting with the Aerospace Department, it was ascertained that there is no path available for non-AE students to enroll in AE 483, therefore, it is not possible to add the course to the list of approved non-ECE technical electives.  As it stands, the study abroad course at ENSEA can onlybe accepted as a generic ECE 4 - - course valid for free elective credits.  

- IE 421 "High Frequency Trading Tech"
The topic of this course was considered very interesting but it was noted that the syllabus has a very large number of topics related to computer technology which most likely cannot be taught in great depth.  Therefore, there are questions as to what extent this course can be considered as a non-ECE technical elective.  The committee would like to see examples of assignments (or at least specifications of assignments) and artifacts produced by the students, before deciding.  Nonetheless there was general interest in the topic and the chair will seek to obtain the desired information.

- MU MUS 105/205/305 "Computation and Music I/II/III"
The courses in this sequence (which is part of the CS+Music curriculum) were discussed for possible inclusion in the list of approved non-ECE technical electives.  Z. Cheng noted that the required depth of music theory depth is considerable and that these courses integrate well with ECE offerings realted to musical technology.  After discussion there was no hesitation in approving unanimously all three course as suitable to be added to our list of non-ECE technical Electives.