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Date, Time, and Location

Tuesday, January 29, 2018, 15:00-16:00, ECEB 5070


Arijit Banerjee, Can Bayram, Zuofu Cheng, John Dallesasse, Ivan Dokmanic, Peter Dragic, Kiruba Haran, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Raluca Ilie, Ravi Iyer, Erhan Kudeki, Larry Minjoo Lee, Umberto Ravaioli, Chris Schmitz, Jose Schutt-Aine

New Business

  1. Tech Elective request: Astronomy 310, "Computing in Astronomy."  Catalog listing is here.  I have requested a syllabus from the student; CC will only consider this item of business if the student sends me one before Tuesday., ASTR 310 Syllabus Spring 2019.pdf. Status: approved

  2. Temporary Course request: ECE 298AB, Solar Car.  298AB_second_edition.docx.  Status: approved

Open Discussion

What topics should be modules in ECE 110?  Web page:

More precisely:

  • what topics does an ECE student need to learn before he or she enters ECE 210, CS 225, and ECE 313,
  • above and beyond what he or she learns from calculus and physics courses,
  • not too far away from the conceptual core of ECE 110,
  • within the capabilities of a first-year-student, and yet
  • challenging to him or her.

Current topics: circuits, KVL & KCL, power, diodes, op-amp & voltage follower, sampling & signals, information & entropy

Possible additional topics: python & data science, machine learning