Stage 2 Requirements for the Systems & Entrepreneurial Engineering PhD with an approved MS/MAPhD SEE (with approved MS/MA) | Credit Hours |
Thesis credit (SE 599) A maximum of 32 credit hours of SE 599 (or other approved thesis) may be counted toward the degree | 32 | Seminar registration each semester (SE 590) | 0 | 400/500-level SE Courses | 20 | STEM courses from outside of major STEM course must be approved and be from a College of Engineering department, including ABE and CHBE (or other approved department). Excludes TE and ENG courses. | 12 | Total | 64 |
Stage 1 Requirements for the Systems & Entrepreneurial Engineering PhD with an approved BS/BA
PhD SEE (with approved BS/BA) | Credit Hours MS equivalent | Credit Hours PhD | Total |
Thesis credit (SE 599) A maximum of 40 credit hours of SE 599 (or other approved thesis) may be counted toward the degree | 8 | 32 | 40 | Seminar registration each semester (SE 590) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 400/500-level SE Courses | 12 | 20 | 32 | STEM courses from outside of major STEM course must be approved and be from a College of Engineering department, including ABE and CHBE (or other approved department). Excludes TE and ENG courses. | 4 | 8 | 12 | Electives in consultation with advisor A maximum of 4 hours of IE 597 (or other approved independent study/project design) may be applied toward the elective coursework requirement. | 8 | 4 | 12 | Total | 32 | 64 | 96 |
The information above can also be found on the official Catalog page. |