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Admitted Fall 2021 & Later

Industrial Engineering Requirements (on-campus and online)
IE ThesisCredit Hours

Thesis credit (IE 599)

A maximum of 8 credit hours of IE 599 (or other approved thesis) may be counted toward the degree

Seminar registration each semester (IE 590)0
500-level IE Courses12

STEM course from outside of major

STEM course must be approved and be from a College of Engineering department, including ABE and CHBE (or other approved department). Excludes TE and ENG courses.


Electives in consultation with advisor

A maximum of 4 hours of IE 597 (or other approved independent study/project design) may be applied toward the elective coursework requirement.

  • A minimum of 12 500-level credit hours applied toward the degree
  • Minimum GPA: 3.0

MS Systems & Entrepreneurial Requirements

Admitted Summer 2021 & Earlier

MS Industrial Engineering Requirements 

MS Systems & Entrepreneurial Requirements