If you are signing up for an independent study section with a faculty member who is outside of the ISE Department, you should follow the procedures in their home department. If you want this external independent study to count toward your degree, you should obtain approval before registering by submitting a departmental petition.
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Thesis Credit (599) Registration
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To register for your advisor’s section, you must have an advising agreement on file between you and the advisor you are wanting to register for thesis hours with. Each professor has their own section of IE/SE 599. Once your advising agreement has been approved by your advisor, please email ise-grad@illinois.edu to obtain your advisor's CRN (course registration number). To change the credit hours you are enrolled for, click the hyperlinked credit hours in Student Self-Service. More detailed instructions on how to change the # of credit hours can be found on the Office of the Registrar's website.
Please note that all students who have a thesis advising agreement on file must sign up for thesis credit for each semester you're enrolled as a student (excluding summer if not a required semester; see Courseload/Full-Time Status above for more information on whether or not summer is a required term for you).