While the number of applicants to our programs exceeds the amount of funding available, we do offer several opportunities for students to gain funding.
Beginning AY 2022/2023, it is the policy of The Grainger College of Engineering that the cumulative funding amount from UIUC-generated fellowship and/or assistantship appointments from the college or units within the college extended to graduate students in the college may not exceed the current UIUC 12-month minimum annual stipend provided to post-doctoral research associates*. Within the limits set by campus and by external, non-UIUC funding sources, the college places no maximum on the cumulative total award amounts from external, non-UIUC sources combined with UIUC-provided fellowships and appointments. "
*This amount may adjust and is currently $43,000 for AY2021/2022. The updated rate for AY2022/2023 will be available at https://www.obfs.uillinois.edu/budgeting/urbana-champaign-campus/budget-guidelines/ when new rates are announced, likely in Summer 2022.
Please visit the ISE Financial support page for a link to the Graduate College Assistantship Clearinghouse, which contains a list of assistantships available across the University.
Fellowships are financial aid awards that provide a stipend with no expectation of service in return. We offer many fellowships to primarily incoming students. In addition, there are opportunities to receive departmental, College, or University fellowships throughout your academic career. You can visit the ISE Financial Support page for more information.