Make sure you check out the MS Degree Requirements and become familiar with them. Most students are admitted into the non-thesis option by default. If you want to pursue a thesis, you should follow the instructions below and make sure you follow the MS requirements for students who are pursuing a thesis. Otherwise, you should follow the MS requirements for a non-thesis.
- You should view the Graduate College Thesis Requirements for templates and sample pages to make sure your thesis is following the correct formatting.
- At least 2 weeks prior to thesis deposit deadline – email the ISE Graduate Programs Office (ise-grad@illinois.edu) with a copy of the following:
- Completed Masters Thesis Deposit Approval Form with your information and the name of your advisor and co-advisor (if applicable). All signatures will be obtained by the Graduate Programs Office – do not obtain those. We will submit the Masters Thesis Approval Form to the Graduate College after your thesis review is complete (in the next step).
- A PDF version of your thesis via email to ise-grad@illinois.edu via attachment or Box link. Once your thesis is format reviewed, you will receive suggestions/approval via email.
- Once the steps above are complete, you can submit your thesis to the Graduate College. Please make sure you list Lauren Redman, lredman@illinois.edu, as the thesis format reviewer when submitting your thesis.
- It is not uncommon for the Graduate College to require some corrective revisions/editing. Make sure you complete these right away!
- All of your 599/thesis grades will be updated from "DFR" once your thesis has been approved/accepted by the Graduate College.
The Graduate College also requires several workshops that may be helpful leading up to your thesis deposit.
Continuing for a PhD in ISE
MS students who plan to continue into the PhD program should complete the following steps:
- Find a PhD faculty member in ISE who is willing to serve as your thesis advisor. An advisor agreement must be on file with your advisor before you can proceed.
- Complete the Qualifying Exams (written & oral)
- Complete a Graduate College petition to transfer to the PhD program