It is our anticipation that all ISE graduate students will take a full courseload course load of 12 credit hours for each fall and spring term*. In addition, students typically have an additional 10-20 hours of research/teaching per week if they hold an appointment. Summer registration is not required unless it is a student's first term, they are taking their prelim, or taking their final exam.
There are a few exceptions to taking 12 credit hours. Students who meet the following exceptions will still be considered "full time." Please note that the Grainger College of Engineering has criteria that supersedes the University Code (Article 3, Part 3) and Graduate College (Chapter 2, Section 2.2), which is reflected below:
Students can reduce to 9 credit hours in the following scenarios:
*Students in the MS Industrial Engineering Online program do not need to take a full courseload course load of 12 credit hours and will typically take 1-2 courses (4-8 credit hours) per semester.
For more information about Course Loads, please visit the Graduate College Handbook (Chapter 2, Section 2.2)
It is always a good idea to reference the ISSS website for information on F-1/J-1 regulations regarding Course Loads as well.on maintaining a full course of study.
ISE Internal Petitions
There may be times you want to request a change in your degree requirements, take a course credit/no credit, or similar. In order to make this request, you will need to submit an internal petition. Please note that this is your chance to include any relevant information that supports your petition, so make sure you submit as much information as possible. We will review this petition internally and will let you know the decision via email. Depending on your request, there may be additional steps that need to be taken. Here are a few examples: