There are a few exceptions to taking 12 credit hours. Students who meet the following exceptions will still be considered "full time":
Students can reduce to 9 credit hours in the beginning/middle of their degree programfollowing scenarios:
- Students holding an assistantship(s) of 25% or greater can reduce the number of credit hours to 9 if they wish.
Students who are required to take an English as a Second Language (ESL) courses may reduce their required coursework by 4 credit hours for each ESL course, even if the course is listed as zero credit hours in the registration system.
Students near end of their degree program:
Thesis students (both MS & PhD) who have completed all their degree requirements but their degree requirements except their thesis or dissertation can sign up for 9 credit hours as long as they meet all of the following criteria:
are in Good Academic Standing
do not hold hold a tuition-waiver generating appointment (e.g., as a result of the 5-year PhD funding guarantee, etc.)
and meet the required minimum credit hours by registering only for thesis research.
Non-thesis students in their final term
- May sign up for only the courses needed for graduation. International students in this situation must seek approval in this case through ISSS; Domestic students do not).
*Students in the MS Industrial Engineering Online program do not need to take a full courseload of 12 credit hours and will typically take 1-2 courses (4-8 credit hours) per semester.