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  1. The meeting was called to order at 3 pm.
  2. The minutes of the Sep 2229, 2014 meeting was approved.
  3. The Curricula Flow Map on the ECE website was discussed further. Most areas require minimal updating. Sayan Mitra reported that the Computer Engineering areas will be updated after some further discussions within the CE area committee. 
  4. Pramod Viswanath presented the proposal for the permanent Big Data course to the committee and received some feedback regarding course logistics and course content. Overall the committee felt very positively about the courseRomit Roy Choudhury's ECE 498 course on  Smartphone Computing and Applications was discussed. The committee voted unanimously to approve the course with a suggestion that the title could be modified to reflect the fact the course considers topics that go beyond just smart phone applications. 
  5. The cross-listing of CS 374 with ECE was discussed. The committee felt positively about cross-listing, but would like more input from Nitin Vaidya and/or Jeff Erickson. The CC chair will invite Vaidya and Erickson to discuss the course with the CC at a future meeting.
  6. The 300-level Big Data permanent course proposal, submitted by Pramod Viswanath and discussed at length at the September 29 CC meeting, was discussed further and the CC voted unanimously to approve the course.
  7. Weng Chew reported back from the College committee on computing requirements. There  was some discussion about whether ECE 220 should be tailored to meet the variety of computing needs of the department.
  8. The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 PM.


These minutes drafted by V. Veeravalli, Sep 29Oct 6, 2014.