ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for Nov 17, 2014
Members AY 2014-15: Jont Allen, Michael Bailey, Can Bayram, Mohamed Ali Belabbas, Deming Chen, Weng Cho Chew, Peter Dragic, John Dallesasse, Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia, Gary Eden, Bruce Hajek , Kiruba Haran, Pavan Kumar Hanumolu, Erhan Kudeki (Ex-Officio), Rakesh Kumar, Stephen Levinson, Yi Lu, Steven Lumetta, Olgica Milenkovic, Sayan Mitra, Michael Oelze, Maxim Raginsky, William Sanders (Ex-Officio), Chris Schmitz, Paris Smaragdis, Lav Varshney, Venu Veeravalli (chair), Lara Waldrop, Hao Zhu, Wenjuan Zhu
Present: Jont Allen, Michael Bailey, Can Bayram, Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia, Peter Dragic, Bruce Hajek, Kiruba Haran, Erhan Kudeki, Olgica Milenkovic, Michael Oelze, Chris Schmitz, Lav Varshney, Venu Veeravalli (chair), Lara Waldrop, Hao Zhu.
- The meeting was called to order at 3 pm.
- The minutes of the October 20, 2014 and November 10, 2014 meetings were approved.
- There was some continuation of the discussion about the courses that would go into the new Innovation, Leadership, and Engineering Entrepreneurship Degree (ILEED) degree. In particular, there were some questions regarding how to test if students in lab teams actually participated fully in the labs.
- Most of the meeting was dedicated to a discussion of the CompE subareas for undergraduate specialization. Michael Bailey compiled a list of questions raised by the committee, with the plan to take them back to the CompE faculty for further refinement of the document.
- The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 PM.
These minutes drafted by V. Veeravalli, November 1017, 2014.