Versions Compared


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It was pointed out by Daniel Liberzon and Mohamed that Mohamed Ali Belabbas that the new CE curriculum could increase the load on ECE 486, which is currently full.  It seems that can be addressed by adding a new section of the lab and using a larger classroom.


Item 4:  Review ECE 120/220 and ECE 110.   Earlier in the day, the CE area committee chair Wen-mei Huw Hwu submitted proposals for new courses ECE 120 and ECE 130, totaling four hours each, which were forwarded to the members of the CC.  Chris Schmidt prepared a document including a draft revision of ECE 110 as a three hour course.  He passed out hard copies and the CC chair will forward the pdf to CC members.   Steve Lumetta and Chris briefly described their course proposals---more discussion and study by the CC is needed. (We may not have these courses revised in time for the major CE curriculum change, but it is worth discussing now in connection with minor revisions of both CE and EE curricula anticipated soon.)
