Course proposal for ECE 341 was discussed again. Nitin Vaidya summarized the feedback provided to him verbally by Shun-Lien Chuang, on behalf of the Microelectronics and Photonics area. The concerns regarding the proposal are that (i) the course has not been offered a sufficiently large number of times as ECE 398, and (ii) the course content is not appropriate for the chosen course number. The course proposal was subsequently voted on with a change to the course proposal: specifically, the course number for the course will be ECE 304 instead of ECE 341. Of the 9 members present, 2 abstained, and 7 voted in support of the course, with the course number changed.
Doug Jones brought introduced a "pre-proposal" for ECE 420, to solicit input from the committee. He will forward a formal course proposal once the course proposal has been approved by his area committee.
Yih-chun Hu provided an update on the discussions of his ad hoc committee regarding ECE 190. His committee will provide a summary of its deliberations, which will include a summary of his presentation to the curriculum committee.