- The proposed change of replacing MATH 286 and 2 hrs of Tech Electives with MATH 257 and MATH 285 has the following impacts on the difficulty level of our EE curriculum:
- creates a more intense and dense first two years, because of the inclusion of an additional math course in the first two year curriculum, unless a change is allowed in what constitutes the first 2 years of the curriculum — see (2) below, and
- creates a slightly less demanding 4 year program because a shift of 2 credit hours from 300/400 level (majority of tech elective courses) to 200 level
- the net effect will be a slight relaxation of the difficulty level of the overall 4-year EE curriculum with the provision (2) described below — this is so because the rigor levels of both MATH 415 and MATH 257 are comparable, according to Math department, both appropriate to 200 level MATH courses (despite the use of a 400 number in case of MATH 415 for previously relevant political reasons).
- A new feature of the revised curricula for EE and CE in order to address (1) may be to revise our Junior Eligibility Rule to allow one of ECE 210 and ECE 220 to be postponed to the student's 5th semester. With this
- Timely progress of EE students will not be impacted by the delay of ECE 220 to 5th semester
- Timely progress of CE students will not be impacted by the delay of ECE 210 to 5th semester
- Not part of the motion before the department: Allow substitution of MATH 257 with a more rigorous MATH 416 by those students who meet the MATH 241 prerequisite for MATH 416 (MATH 415 will be discontinued and will not be an option in the future) — this option is likely to be exercised by mathematically inclined students most of whom will also pursuing a MATH minor.
The following text will be sent to the department, in request for feedback.