Date, Time, and Location
Can Bayram, Mohamed Belabbas, Nikita Borisov, Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia, Viktor Gruev, Kiruba Haran, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Steven Lumetta, David Varodayan, Lav Varshney, Lara Waldrop, Jin Zhou
Old Business
- ABET Instructional Objectives, mapping from the old to the new. It was noted that the old objectives included three lettered items, each beginning with the word "knowledge", created by UIUC ECE because Narayana Rao believed that the objectives distributed by ABET failed to require ECE students to acquire any knowledge before they graduated. It was proposed that UIUC ECE create an "objective 8" as supplement to the new objectives, for the same purpose. The following wording was approved: Foundations: Knowledge of the foundations of engineering, science, and mathematics and their applications in electrical and computer engineering.
- Course Directors. The committee considered every undergraduate course in the department, one at a time. (a) In most cases, the current course director is active, so a committee member was assigned to encourage that person to update his or her Course Goals and Instructional Objectives. (b) In some cases, the listed course director has retired or left the university. In these cases, a committee member was assigned or volunteered to contact recent instructors in that course, in order to decide who should be listed as the course director. (c) There are many courses with ECE course numbers that are managed by Computer Science or Bio-Engineering. Committee members in the CompE and BIBA groups, respectively, volunteered to figure out how ECE should handle such courses for ABET review.
- Collecting Evidence of Course Quality: we need to tell instructors to begin saving assignments and exams, both the handouts, and possibly also some of the student responses. We are not sure how many student responses should be gathered from each course (all exams, or just the final?). It was pointed out that student privacy laws forbid us from doing this unless a university official declares this to be a valid educational purpose; further investigation is necessary., according to FERPA, we need to have a "Designated University employee" authorize release of this information as a "legitimate need to use it in fulfillment of official duties."
- The next meeting will be Friday, March 30, 12:00-13:00, ECEB 5070.