- Proposal for a temporary course in fall 2021, ECE 398AA: Building Systems Using Microcontroller Controlled IO. This will be the first offering of this course. Course proposal.doc, Syllabus ECE398V7.doc, Updates398.docx.
Comments from a committee member who can't attend:
- This sentence doesn’t read correctly to me: “In addition to leveraging on their knowledge of C language acquired through ECE 110, 120, 210 and 220, to program a microcontroller to control external sensors and actuators, the students will gain hardware knowledge (including PCB design) to integrate the peripherals to the MCU.” It seems to imply that ECE110 and 210 teach C programming. I assume they meant to mention the circuits aspects of these two courses.
- This 398 course is an advanced and structured version of what occurs in the ECE 110/120 James Scholar projects. The students who finished James Scholar projects in their freshman year define a great pool of students to recruit for the initial offering of this ECE398.
- I like the proposal and am in favor of this course although I will not be there to vote.