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Jont Allen, Ujjal Bhowmik, Minh Do, Katherine Driggs-Campbell, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Erhan Kudeki, Andrew Miller, Sayan Mitra, Umberto Ravaioli, Chris Schmitz, Jose Schutt-Aine

Old Business

  1. ABET PEV visit, 9/29-30.  Status: reviewed the relationship between PEOs and SOs, reviewed the SOs, reviewed PEV schedule.

New Business

  1. ECE 198DA: Proposal for a new temporary course, "Introduction to Data Analytics," spring 2020. 198DA.doc, CourseSyllabus.docx, FacultyComments.txt.  Status: tabled for further discussion.
  2. ECE 498SM Principles of Safe Autonomy ece498autonomy-ver2.pdf. Status: not addressed.