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April 17, 2017



, Time, and Location

September 5, 2017, 13:00-14:00 CST, ECEB 5070


Discussion Items

5minApprove minutes from April 10, 2017Makela
10minBrief discussion on ABET self-evaluation summariesAll
10minBrief discussion on sub discipline write upsAll



  • Several committee members expressed having difficulties locating the self-evaluations on the Box folder. Makela will look into this and remedy the situation.
  • Additional summaries are expected to be submitted before the next committee meeting.


15minCharge to the CommitteeSanders
15minProposal to assign a permanent course number to ECE 298JAProposer: Jont Allen[form][syllabus][form v2][syllabus v2]
15minProposal to permit CS 498 DL1 as an advanced computing elective

Proposer: Emre Ulusoy

15minProposal to permit MUS 499C as a tech electiveProposer: David Varodayan

Topic for discussion, possibly at the next meeting: should there be an ECE 497, similar to ECE 397, but available to be taken by graduate students?


Action Items
