Jont Allen, Arijit Banerjee, Can Bayram, Eric Chitambar, John Dallesasse, Kejie Fan, Kiruba Haran, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Raluca Ilie, Erhan Kudeki, Sanjay Patel, Umberto Ravaioli, Chris Schmitz
Date, Time, and Location
Tuesday, February 18, 2018, 15:00-16:00, ECEB 5070
New Business
FALL 2019: ECE 498 EC, Quantum Information Processing Theory: 498EC_course_request_form. Status: approved.
Open Discussion
- There should be a longer-term discussion among EMORS and devices faculty, to determine what content ECE 487 should have, so that a larger number of higher-level courses can count on it as a pre-req. In that case it will have a larger enrollment, once per year.