New Business
- The ABET review documents for Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering are with
reviewers- PEV (program evaluators). The
reviewers - PEVs will be on campus September 29
anbd - and 30. They have not yet requested a specific agenda of meetings
. - .
- Only one critique has yet been raised: does the senior thesis satisfy evaluation criterion 5, "design." Solution: Erhan has responded, Sayan will poll other CE faculty to draft a backup paragraph describing the safeguards that are in place to ensure a satisfactory capstone for all students.
- ABE 424: Principals of Mobile Robotics SYLLABUS_ABE424.pdf
- Request #1: Tech Elective for fall semester 2019
- Request #2: Cross-listing, beginning spring 2020 ECE_Banner_New_Course_Outline_8-12_mobile-robots.docx
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