Arijit Banerjee, Yuliy Baryshnikov, Ujjal Bhowmik, Subhonmesh Bose, Zuofu Cheng, Eric Chitambar, Dong San Choi, Peter Dragic, Katherine Driggs-Campbell, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Erhan Kudeki, Sayan Mitra, Lara Waldrop, Yang Zhao
New Business
- The ABET review documents for Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering are with PEV (program evaluators). The PEVs will be on campus September 29 and 30. They have not yet requested a specific agenda of meetings.
- Only one critique has yet been raised: does the senior thesis satisfy evaluation criterion 5, "design." Solution: Erhan has responded, Sayan will poll other CE faculty to draft a backup paragraph describing the safeguards that are in place to ensure a satisfactory capstone for all students.
- ABE 424: Principals of Mobile Robotics SYLLABUS_ABE424.pdf
- Request #1: Tech Elective for fall semester 2019. Moved, seconded, passed.
- Request #2: Cross-listing, beginning spring 2020 ECE_Banner_New_Course_Outline_8-12_mobile-robots.docx. This course is being considered for cross-listing because ECE faculty are likely to teach the course about half of the time going forward. There was discussion of the relationship between this course and ECE 470: ABE 424 considers sensor fusion and integration into path planning under uncertainty (e.g. EKF), ECE 470 focuses on the problems of a robot arm including kinematic modeling and path planning under nonlinear and non-bijective actuator-to-position transforms. Proposal from the floor: ask the instructor for more information about the labs, in order to determine whether or not this course will meet the requirements for an ECE lab course, and bring this up for discussion again next week when the resulting response is available.