The second course reviewed was ECE 498 BH “Large Language Model Reasoning for Engineering” submitted by Bin Hu for first time offering in Spring 2025. Bin Hu was present to introduce the course and aswer questions. The discussion was very positive about the content an timeliness of this course, given that Large Language Model (LLM) is a rapidly emerging approach. There were several suggestions regarding the proposal. The title could be shortened by replacing “Large Language Model” with “LLM” which is perhaps more readily recognizable by students. The course description is long and very detailed. Eran Kudeki suggested to develop a brief course description following the campus requirement of 75 maximum words for new permanent course submission, which would be handy when the course evolces to that point, and stll keep the present course description as explanatory material in class documents. The were also a few suggestion on shortening the prerequisites section by replacing “the students are also recommended to have some background in one of the engineering domains (such as electrical, computer, mechanical, aerospace, civil, chemical, material,etc) and Python programming“ wiith “Junior standing in an engineering major“. Python programming is already implicit in requiring Math 257 which is based on compuations computations with Python. The course was approved by the committee with unanimous consent.