The following information applies to all ISE Graduate Students – both MS and PhD. You should also view the MS and PhD specific pages for further policies and information as they relate to each program.
International Student and Scholars Services (ISSS) holds workshops and provides individual advising about F-1 work authorization. Click here for more information about CPT.
Annual Review
The Graduate College requires departments to perform annual reviews on all students, both MS and PhD. Students are required to submit a self-evaluation early in the spring term. The advisor will then be required to submit an evaluation of the student. Any students needing special attention will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Students will be notified when the annual review is open, usually at the end of the fall or beginning of the spring term.
ISE Graduate Programs will reimburse conference travel up to $500 per academic year for to the students who are presenting their thesis research. The student will be reimbursed for funds they have individually paid and have not had covered by shared services or faculty CFOP accounts prior to the travel. The department cannot reimburse faculty from the ISE account who have paid for costs of the students ahead of time.
If you would like to apply for these funds, submit an application through the the Conference Funding Petition. Requests for ISE Conference Funding are handled on a rolling basis with no deadline.
Graduate College Funding
The Graduate College has Conference Presentation Awards twice per year (fall & spring). Please visit the Graduate College Travel Award page for more information. Departments must submit the documentation on your behalf, so in additional to the normal steps for conference funding above, please fill out a Graduate College Travel Award Form.
My.ISE Portal
Most of the forms you use as an ISE Grad Student can be found through the My.ISE Portal. We have linked to them where applicable, but you can become familiar with them by visiting the links below. Please note that some forms do require that you login with your NetID and password.