There may be times you want to request a change in your degree requirements, take a course credit/no credit, or similar. In order to make this request, you will need to submit an internal petition. Please note that this is your chance to include any relevant information that supports your petition, so make sure you submit as much information as possible. We will review this petition internally and will let you know the decision via email. Depending on your request, there may be additional steps that need to be taken. Here are a few examples:
- Taking a course credit/no credit – credit – if approved, must also complete the Credit/No Credit Form with through the Graduate Student Portal with student & advisor signature. Please email this form to ise-grad@illinois.edu.
- Requesting an advisor outside of ISE – if approved, must also complete the Advisor Agreement with advisor/co-advisor signatures. Please email this form to ise-grad@illinois.edu
- Taking courses outside of major – includes IE if you're an SE student, SE if you're an IE student, courses in Grainger Engineering, or any other department on campus
- Breadth requirement for PhD students – must include the 3 courses you wish to take as a part of your Breadth Requirement before you take them.