24-25 Google US/Canada PhD Fellowship Program (Spring 24)

24-25 Google US/Canada PhD Fellowship Program (Spring 24)

Department Deadline: Sunday, April 14th at 11:59PM
Campus Deadline: Friday, April 26th at 5:00pm

Google PhD Fellowship Program

The Google Fellowship Program recognizes outstanding graduate students doing exceptional work in computer science and related disciplines at universities in the United States and Canada. Students do not apply directly to Google but must instead be nominated by their university. Students of any nationality/citizenship are eligible. The fellowship provides up to two years of support. 

Applications are evaluated on the strength of the research proposal, research impact, student academic achievements, and leadership potential. Research proposals are evaluated for innovative concepts that are relevant to Google’s research areas, as well as aspects of robustness and potential impact to the field. Proposals should include the direction and any plans of where your work is going in addition to a comprehensive description of the research you are pursuing.

For more information, see here: https://apps.grad.illinois.edu/fellowship-finder/SearchResult/Fellowship/3163


  • $35,000 annual stipend (paid over 9 months of the academic year).

  • Full coverage of tuition and fees.

  • Opportunity to work with a Google Research Mentor.


Applicants must meet these criteria:

  • Be a full-time doctoral student pursuing research in one of the topical areas listed on this page.

    • Be on course to have completed all graduate coursework by the beginning of the fellowship term (Fall 2024). 

    • Remain an active, full-time student in a PhD program during the fellowship period.

    • Students that are already supported by a comparable industry award are not eligible.

    • Students of any citizenship/nationality are eligible.

    • Students cannot be a Google employee and/or have any members of their household that are a Google employee (spouse, parent, children).


  • Students and nominators may not submit applications directly. All applications must first be submitted to the CS Awards Team.

  • Students must be nominated by their department, and each eligible department may submit up to two nominations.  A third nomination is allowable if the nominee self-identifies as a member of a group traditionally underrepresented in computer science and related fields.

  • Applications should be submitted as one PDF package with all required documents in the order outlined below to cs-awards@mx.uillinois.edu. Files should be named "LastName, FirstName - CS - Google2024."


Please note that there are rigid formatting and length guidelines for many of these materials. Incomplete nominations and applications that do not follow the formatting guidelines will be disqualified without review.

  • Nomination Form. (Fill out all information except Graduate Contact, Graduate Contact Email, Nominator, and Nominator Email.)

  • Student's CV with links to website and publications (if available).

  • Short CV of advisor (1 page max).

  • Two or three letters of recommendation, one of which must be from the advisor. Please have letter writers send their letters directly to cs-awards@mx.uillinois.edu.

  • Dissertation Abstract - maximum 1000 characters, including spaces (must be single-spaced, in Times New Roman, with 12-point font and 1-inch margins).

  • Dissertation Research Proposal. The proposal must be a maximum of 3 pages, excluding references. It must be single-spaced, in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and have 1-inch margins.

  • Essay #1: In an essay of 350 words max (single-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins), describe the desired impact your research will make on the field and society, and why this is important to you. Include any personal, educational, and/or professional experiences that have motivated your research interests.

  • Essay #2: In an essay of 350 words max (single-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins), describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.

    • Tips for this essay: A leadership role can mean more than just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or taking the lead role in organizing an event or project. Think about what you accomplished and what you learned from the experience. What were your responsibilities? Did you lead a team? How did your experience change your perspective on leading others? Did you help to resolve an important dispute at your school, church, in your community or an organization? And your leadership role doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to school activities. For example, do you help out or take care of your family?

  • Current and past transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable, but official ones are preferred).

If you are selected, a signed memorandum from the department's Chair or Head that confirms that you as a student meet all of Google's eligibility requirements will be submitted on your behalf. You do not need to submit this with your initial application to the CS Awards Team.