Graduation Checklist
Graduation is an exciting time! You have worked hard to get here. Now, you have a few more steps to ensure everything is wrapped up so you can enter the world as a new ISE graduate.
The Graduate College has an extensive graduation checklist you should follow. Make sure you start here!
Register to graduate via self-service.
If you want to participate in the convocation ceremony, register with Grainger here.
If applicable, make sure you deposit your thesis by the Graduate College thesis deposit deadline. This is a firm deadline and no corrections are allowed after this date. See the ISE Stage III Wiki Page for more information.
If applicable – Return any equipment or borrowed items to your advisor
If applicable – clean your office (including your filing cabinet) and return your keys to 117 TB
Complete the ISE Exit Survey
Update your contact information with us via the ISE Alumni Survey
Forward your email after graduation and other general technology information
Complete the Illini Success Survey
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