Basics and Login
The website is built in Wordpress and is a located on the iSchool cpanel server at this address:
Currently, the server space given by the iSchool does not permit a group account. This means that the URL has to have a personal netID included. My hope is to alias that URL with another one that I have purchased, I'll update the group when that alias setting has been successful.
To login to the website, visit this page: and use your netID as username and your full web address as the temporary password. Once logged in, consider changing your password by clicking on your profile avatar at the top right, select "Edit my Profile" and following the links to changing your password.
SIte Structure
I've pre-loaded a single post for each section (Subject Access, Organization, Preservation, etc.) with dummy text, and a roll of those posts shows on our front page, effectively serving as our entry menu. I have a single "About This Project" page as well to give any visitors a sense of what we are doing.
The text for each section can be uploaded to the respective post by editing that post and uploading the text.
Using Wordpress
- First, login using your netID as username and full as the temporary password here:
- In the top left corner, if you hover over the site name, you'll bring up a dropdown menu that allows you to click on "Dashboard." This will bring you to the backend editing dashboard for the site.
3. Click on "Posts." This will bring up all of our posts that will each serve as one portion of our group website, with each post dedicated to one of our project areas (Subject Access, Organization, Use and Users, Preservation, etc.). These posts will automatically display to our front page.
4. If you click on one of the post titles, you will be moved to the post editor page. This is where you can add your text.
5. When uploading your text, you can use the "Visual" interface, which has more of a Microsoft Word kind of feel, and "Text," which allows you to insert HTML tags for styling. You can also use the bold, italics, hyperlink, and other styling element buttons.
6. To add an image, use the Add Media button and upload the image. It is highly recommended that the image be sized prior to upload to the correct size for use in the post. Wordpress allows some image resizing, and you can choose a thumbnail, medium, and large size for the image, but to avoid pixellation and other bad image displays it is better to upload a high-resolution properly sized image to start.
7. Click Update to save edits!!