Materials should be submitted as hard copies to Kathy Runck, 1210 Siebel Center (the Academic Office), 333-4197. Questions may be directed to Colin Robertson (colinr@illinois.edu).
1) Conference Travel Support Application. The only signature that is required is the student's signatureAward Application.
2) Short Letter/statement from adviser endorsing and approving your participation in the conference and explaining why it is important that you attend the conference. The letter should be specific about whether or not they will supply funds to support your travel (and, if so, how much).
3) Proof that you will present at the conference. For example, a notice that your paper has been accepted to the conference. In addition, please indicate specific information regarding the number of papers submitted for the conference review and those accepted for presentation (i.e., the acceptance rate). This information will assist the department review committee in the selection of nominees to be forwarded to the Graduate College. This may require you to make inquiries to whomever contacted you about the acceptance of your paper at the conference.
4) Your up-to-date CV. Be sure to include as complete bibliographic information as possible about the paper or poster which will be presented at the conference. In addition, please be sure to include your expected graduation date.