We are excited you are joining our team this August! This site is designed to give you guidance on registering for fall 2015 fall courses. If you have an RA appointment or have connected with a faculty member that could be your potential thesis advisor, please seek additional advice from them through email or a SYKPE session. All incoming MS students will have the fall and spring terms to secure their thesis advisor. Until your thesis advisor is secured, the CS Graduate Academic Office will serve as your advisor.
Please review the MS Planning Document to help guide you on the program requirements.
- To start the registration process, you must first setup your NetID and password. The instructions for this were given to you in your "official offer letter" from the Graduate College. If you missed the link, please go to http://www.grad.illinois.edu/quick-guide.
- Go to http://www.registrar.illinois.edu/registration/register.html to sign up for classes. To review the courses that will be offered in computer science, please visit the Fall 2015 2016 CS Course Schedule.
Number of Minimum Credit Hours to Register for Fall 2015 2016 Term
- RA or TA Assistantship Appointment - 8 credit hours
- Full Fellowship - 12 credit hours
- Combined RA or TA Assistantship Appointment + Full (tuition-waiver generating) Fellowship - 12 8 credit hours
- Combined RA or TA Assistantship Appointment + Partial Fellowship - 8 credit hours