Ph.D. Self Evaluation Directions
All Ph.D. students must complete annual self-evaluations each spring, March 30-April 3rd. To access the Ph.D. self-evaluation form, please go to myThe form is only available during this time and can be accessed by going to and . You must log in with your NetID and password. All All spring 2009 self-evaluations must be turned in no later than April 3, 2009. Area committees will be meeting April 6th through April 17th to review the Ph.D. students in their area to evaluate student's progress. The committees will be access students' self-evaluations during this process.
General Directions for Completing the Ph.D. Self-Evaluation Directions
- CV Link: Please upload your latest CV in this section.
- Student's Advisors: If you have not secured a Ph.D. advisor, there not be one listed here in this section and you need to indicate which faculty you have been interacting with and how close you are to securing your thesis advisor.
Note: Students on the Program of Study coursework plan will have their Program of Study committee members displayed here as well. - Ph.D. Milestone Checklist: This section is automatically updated by the system and is a quick checklist to inform you which steps you have completed.
- Checkmark = complete
- No checkmark = incomplete
- Program of Study is only for Ph.D. students entering fall 2007 or later.
Note: The Complete Ph.D. Coursework is still under construction in this new system and will be functional for the spring 2010 annual Ph.D. self-evaluation.
- Research: This section allows you the opportunity to update the Area committee on your research progress.
- Meeting with thesis and co/thesis advisor - indicate in general how indicate how often you meet with either advisor. This is just a guideline to understand how much communication occurs with at least one of your advisors.
- Progress on Ph.D. research - indicate what has happened in the the progress you have made over this last year with on your research and how you have progressed. If you are changes areas of research, indicate the reason for this change.
- Thesis Abstract Title is where you you indicate either indicate the title of your thesis or the subject of your thesis research.
- Accomplishments: This section allows you to communicate with the Area committee your achievements this last year.
Note: All rank information is defined at {_} for the different publications, conferences, and talks.- Publications: This can be papers, journals, articles, or tech reports you have written over the last year. Please enter one publication per line indicating the rank of the publication, your author position (example 2nd author), and the title of the publication. Click "Add Publication" for each publication you had this year.
- Conferences/Workshop: Please enter one conference/workshop per line indicating the rank of the conference, your author position (example 3rd author), and the name of the conference/workshop. Click "Add Conference" for each conference/workshop attended.
- Talks: Please enter in one talk per line with the rank of the talk, your presentor position (only if there were multiple presentorspresenter position (example - 1st presenter, 2nd presenter, etc.), and the name and location of the talk. Click "Add Talk" for each talk you gave this last year.
- Scholarships/Fellowships/Etc.: This section is a free text section to allow you to list all the scholarships, fellowships, or other types of funding outside of a research or teaching assistantship you received this last year.
- Awards and Honors: This section is a free text section to allow you to list all awards or honors received this last year.
- Course Plan: This allows you to communicate with the Area committee what courses you plan to take. If all courses are completed, you may indicate your research plans for the next year.
- Assistantships: Updated either the TA or RA section based on your assistantships for this past year. If you have been both a TA and an RA, please complete both sections.
- Internships: Please list your internship experiences for the past year. Please enter one internship per line.
- General Comments: This is a text field for you to add any additional comments you would like the Area committees to know.
- Be sure to click "Save Student Self Evaluation" before exiting.
If you have any questions about the Ph.D. Self-Evaluation process, please contact Rhonda McElroy at or at 244-2745.