This tool was chosen because 'even though BioCASe can be used for any conceptual XML data schema, its main field of application is the publication of occurrence data from specimen or observational databases to primary biodiversity information networks such as the Biological Collection Access Service BioCASe network, a transnational network of primary biodiversity repositories'. It links together 'specimen data from natural history collections, botanical/zoological gardens and research institutions worldwide with information from huge observation databases.' The data will also appear on the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, an 'international open data infrastructure, funded by governments that allows anyone, anywhere to access data about all types of life on Earth, shared across national boundaries via the Internet.'
The following metadata scheme will be used.
- Dataset_Key
- Title
- Provider
- Description
- Date Uploaded
- Publish Date
- Dataset Purpose
- Methods of data capture
- Geographical coverage
- Geographical location
- Temporal Coverage
- Data quality
- Data Storage type
- File Size
- Number of Records
- Number of Species
- Additional Information
- Papers written as a result
- Link/URL
- Pictures
- Keywords
There will be NULL values, as each dataset does not have have all of this info at origin, but will strive to maintain these standards.
This schema was devised as a
*We're expecting datasets to come in varioius formats, but we want a preservation copy and an accessible copy (encoded in xml).BioCase uses a more extensive metadata schema, which will deliver a reasonable and satisfactory amount of search results (Kennedy, 2008). They have developed an MS Access based application called the National Node Data Input Tool to manage collection metadata.
The application collects metadata about the collection:
It also collects information about the organization doing the collecting:
One can also add any keywords that they would like to link to their collection for searching:
Furthermore, the application takes in other, like related links, papers, or even other collections.
We shall adhere to the Guidelines for National Node data entry when entering data, striving to structure our data in a logical, easily understandable, and uniform manner. Another goal shall be to capture the hierarchical structure involved in the data. One example of this may be when a collection houses a sub-collection within itself. Null fields, should they exist, will be left empty as advised.
Kennedy, M. R. (2008). Nine questions to guide you in choosing a metadata schema. Journal of Digital Information, 9(1). Retrieved from https://journals.tdl.org/jodi/index.php/jodi/article/view/226