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Admission to the University/Graduate College

The department Siebel School of Computing and Data Science makes the recommendation for admission and final approval comes from the Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions.  If you wish to accept the offer of admission but decline the financial aid offer, please notify Kara MacGregor ( in the Department of Computer Siebel School of Computing and Data Science.

Acceptance and Resignation of Assistantship Appointments

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a member of the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) and supports the resolution which states that students are under no obligation to respond to offers of financial support prior to April 15 (Fall/Summer admission offers) or December 1 (Spring admission offers).  Earlier deadlines for acceptance of such offers violate the intent of this resolution which is meant to allow students the opportunity to consider more than one offer with ample time to make final decisions.  After the April 15 deadline, an offer by the institution and its acceptance by the student constitutes an agreement which both parties expect to be honored. You can read more about this resolution and see a list of schools that abide by this agreement by visiting (April 15 Resolution).the resolution of the Council of Graduate Schools.

Assistantship Time Commitment and Minimum Coursework Requirements


Students who hold a research or a teaching assistantship are required to register for at least 8 9 hours of graduate level coursework.  Students who hold a fellowship eligible for a tuition-waiver are required to register for at least 12 hours of graduate level coursework.  This is required to receive the tuition waiver.  Students should also be aware that there are other situations which may require full-time registration (12 hours) to maintain their status.   The following are some instances that may require full-time registration, but may not include all situations - international student on a visa, student who has a previous education loan in deferment, student who receives medical insurance coverage from parent or spouse that requires the student to be registered full-time, etc.


Assistants who hold from 25% to 67% appointments from the Department of Computer Siebel School of Computing and Data Science are exempt from paying the full tuition (regardless of Illinois residency) and service fee.  Waiver generating assistantship appointments are defined as appointments ranging from 25% through 67% time (based on a 40 hour week) held for three-quarters of the term which is defined as the period starting on the first day of classes and ending on the last day of final examinations.  This means you must be registered for a minimum of 91 days for fall and spring, 41 days for summer to be eligible to receive this waiver.  The appointments include coverage of the service fee, the health service fee, the AFMFA fee, the library/technology fee and partial payment of the health insurance fee, along with full payment for vision insurance and dental insurance.  The remaining fees are the responsibility of the student.


It is often impossible to inform a new assistant of the specific assignment with their offer.  It is only when the department school has reasonable certainty which positions are available that the assignments can be made.  The assignment procedure requires consultation with academic faculty and staff.  Although the department school would like to know the assignment desired by a student and will attempt to match this desire with the assignment, there can be no guarantee.


Renewal of an assistantship or fellowship is based solely on the academic progress and performance of the student.  Assuming academic progress remain satisfactory, the department intends to offer an assistantship until your graduate degree program is completed (based on the timelines as outlined in the CS Graduate Student Handbook).  Renewal and/or continuation of funding may be affected if a change to the degree program occurs. 

Proficiency in English (For International Students Only)

Applicants whose native language is not English are required to submit a minimum score of 24/30 on the TOEFL iBT speaking section or 8 on the IELTS speaking section in order to be eligible to hold a teaching assistantship.  Students can also take the campus EPI test (minimum score of 5.0 required) within their first semester of studies.  Students who decide to complete the EPI exam will not be eligible to hold a teaching assistantship appointment upon arrival.  This requirement is an Illinois State Law, so the Department of Computer Science has no authority to waive it.

All students who have scored between 79-102 on the TOEFL iBT test or 6.5-7.0 on the IELTS test will be required upon arrival to take an English Placement Test (EPT).  On the basis of these test results, applicants may be required to enroll in non-credit English as a Second Language (ESL) courses.  


Continuation and/or renewal of an assistantship appointment is subject to academic progress and evaluation of your assistantship duties as indicated by departmental and supervisor's reviews. Academic progress includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Maintaining a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 for each semester as a CS graduate student

  2. Maintaining a minimum semester grade point average (GPA) of 2.


  1. 25 for each semester as a CS graduate student

  2. Having a passing score on the oral English proficiency test (TOEFL iBT (24/30), IELTS academic exam (8), or Illinois' EPI Exam (5)) by July 1

  3. PhD students only: Meeting with Program of Study Committee (which is assigned by the department) and completing the Program of Study form by the end of the first semester (see Program of Study section in CS Graduate Student Handbook for more information).

  4. Maintaining full-time registration (as stated in the CS Graduate Student Handbook).

  5. Receiving a positive evaluation of your assistantship duties as indicated by departmental and supervisor's annual reviews.

Teaching Assistantship Orientation Programs
