Feng Chen Memorial Awards (Spring 2015)
Deadline: March 31, 2014, 5 pm
Born on April 3rd, 1977, Feng Chen completed his B.A. and M.S. at Peking University in 1999 and 2002, respectively, and his Ph.D. at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2009 under Professor Grigore Rosu, all in computer science. His seminal work in runtime verification has been widely published, cited, and awarded, including recognition with the SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for a ASE 2008 conference paper. Feng was also the recipient of the C.L. and Jane Liu Award in the Department of Computer Science at UIUC, given once a year to a graduate student who has exceptional research promise.
- Each of the authors of the chosen paper will receive an additional $100 award. This is in addition to any prize received for the Feng Chen Memorial Award.
Please ensure that the following information is submitted by March 31 to Colin Robertson (colinr@illinois.edu, 2233 SC):
1) The paper title, conference name, and co-authors. Date of conference presentation. If appearing in a journal special issue, the journal name, issue number, issue title (if any), and date of publication.
2) Evidence that the paper has won an award. This could be a letter from the conference organizer, a copy of the conference program, a copy of a certificate received at the conference, etc. For journal special issues, provide evidence that the paper has been invited, and that issue is focused on best papers.
3) Research area(s) for each eligible student and name of the faculty adviser(s).